The cheapest way to register a domain name is by browsing the Cheaper Domains website, searching the availability of the name you want, finding the domain extension you need and registering it.
It's that simple.
Cheaper Domains are your one stop shop for affordable domain name registrations and hosting services, with guaranteed excellence of services.
We have great hosting packages and we now include a FREE Weebly Web Builder thats hosted in Australia.
Cheaper Domains is a highly regarded Australian registrar, accredited by auDA as the first registrar to receive auDA ISS Compliance, based on the ISO 27001 world standard, alongside DDNS and Information Brokers as part of the Total Internet Group.
We comply with the highest Australian industry regulations and standards, and also like to give back to communities throughout Australia through positive action. We support the CGDN community and Entertainment Assist by providing a range of IT services.